Project No: 05.3.1-APVA-V-011-01-0003
Total project value: 2.982.648,19 EUR. European Union contribution - 1.922.100,00 EUR, national funding - 1.060.548,19 Eur.
Aim of the project: to ensure preservation of biodiversity of the Baltic Sea, establishing modern and science-based system which would include animal treatment, rehabilitation, research and public awareness rising.
Activities of the project:
Construction of Baltic Sea Animal Rehabilitation Centre;
Purchase of veterinary equipment.
Project No: S-01.2.1-LVPA-V-835-01-0008
The project aims at developing a unique product – scientifically proved methods of animal assisted therapy, which will be integrated to the concept of holistic medicine, and the methods evaluating welfare of the assisting animals. The scope will include dolphin assisted, hippo and canis therapies.
It is foreseen that the results of the project will supplement to the package of alternative medical services in Lithuania providing reliable methods of holistic animal assisted therapy including bilateral - human and animal - affecting aspect.
The project is being implemented by Lithuanian Sea Museum and Directorate of Kurtuvenai Regional Park.
Project no. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-526-01-0004
The project is implemented under the measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-526 ‘Digitization and Dissemination of Cultural Content' of Priority 2 ‘Promotion of the Information Society' of the European Union Funds Operational Programme for the period 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to modernise the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS), adapting it to the contemporary needs of museums and the public, providing proper visualisation of digital cultural heritage content compiled in the database, and strengthening the material base for digitisation available to the participants of the Project.
The results of the project will comprise increased quantity of digital content, 10 advanced electronic services, integration of LIMIS with Cultural Heritage Register (CHR), access to the content through the Virtual Electronic Cultural Heritage Information System (VECHIS) and ‘Europeana',
The list of the project participants include four Lithuanian museums and Institute of the Lithuanian Language under leadership of the Lithuanian Art Museum.
Duration of the project 36 months, starting from July 2018. 4,231,542 Euros co-finance by European Union Structural Funds and the budget of the Republic of Lithuania.